Thursday, August 31, 2017

Unexpected Source for the Brain's Development

Reminds me  of the "Junk DNA" controversy.  Just because the purpose of something is not immediately apparent doesn't necessarily mean it is junk.  So-called "junk" may contain Hidden Treasures.

Glia were completely overlooked until it was discovered that Einstein's brain was packed with them... 

Apes: We Know Less Than We Think about Them

Turns out that a strongly held belief in our own superiority was a bad place to start the study of apes...

Mathematicians Tame Rogue Waves

The mathematician Svitlana Mayboroda and collaborators have figured out how to predict the behavior of electrons — a mathematical discovery that could have immediate practical effects...

Mathematicians Tame Rogue Waves, Lighting Up Future of LEDs 

Svitlana Mayboroda: Taming Rogue Waves

An excellent review of the history of Anderson Localization...

Fifty Years of Anderson Localization

 Philip Anderson shared the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physics with Nevill Mott and John van Vleck

CSE Research Spotlight: Svitlana Mayboroda

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Babylonians beat Greeks to the Invention of Trigonometry

It used to be the standard notion that the Babylonians just employed rules of thumb based on trial and error, but modern research continues to reveal more and more about how the Babylonians rather than the Greeks pioneered much modern mathematics. Read about how the Babylonians beat the Greeks to the invention of trigonometry...

Mathematical mystery of ancient Babylonian clay tablet solved

A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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Sydney scientists have discovered the purpose of a famous 3700-year old Babylonian clay tablet, revealing it is the world’s oldest and most accurate trigonometric table, most likely used by ancient mathematical scribes to calculate how to construct palaces, temples and stepped...

A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit...
A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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A University of New South Wales academic, Dr Norman Wildberger, has rewritten the arcane rules of trigonometry and eliminated sines, cosines and tangents from the trigonometric toolkit.

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New trigonometry is a sign of the times 

The Great Lake Huron Rock Puzzle

  As a boy, I found this chunk of limestone on the shoreline of southern Lake Huron, Canada near the town of Goderich: The rock is 23 cm (9...