Monday, May 27, 2019

Birds of Prey: Great Nicobar Serpent Eagle (Spilornis klossi)

Adult perched.   Photo by:  Niranjan Sant, IBC1512624. Accessible at

The Great Nicobar Serpent Eagle (Spilornis klossi) is considered to be the smallest eagle currently living.  How small is it? In the Main Hall at the National Aviary in Pittsburgh you can go to the Eagle Wall and compare your wingspan to those of many eagles, including the Great Nicobar Serpent Eagle (in this case called South instead of Great):

And fittingly this eagle can only be found in a very small place, the Indian island of Great Nicobar just north of Sumatra:

Wild Films India has an excellent panoramic fly over of Great Nicobar Island:

OGAClicks provides a good overview of this eagle:

 Avibase - The World Bird Database classifies the Great Nicobar Eagle as "Near Threatened":

 The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species keeps track of what threats this eagle faces, and what is currently being done to protect it:

The Wildlife Photographer Shreeram M V describes his expedition to photograph this amazing bird:

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